NY Spousal Maintenance Lawyer
The Fathers’ Rights Association of New York State
Maintenance, also called alimony in some other states, is a specified amount of money to be paid to an ex-spouse in the case of a divorce or the execution of a separation agreement. In New York, maintenance may be awarded for a fixed or indefinite period of time. In any event, maintenance would be terminated upon the death of either party or if the dependant spouse remarries.
A divorce lawyer who is experienced in protecting fathers’ rights in regards to issues involving maintenance will be highly beneficial to the outcome of your case. If you are a father who is considering a divorce or legal separation and may seek maintenance or may face paying maintenance to your spouse, you will need a lawyer on your side to protect your rights and interests. The court will make the decision regarding maintenance/alimony amounts, but your lawyer will play a major role in asserting your position and helping you reach the outcome that you are hoping for.
While in the past maintenance or alimony were only awarded to women in the event of a divorce, modern divorce cases in New York allow for either a man or a woman to be awarded spousal support or maintenance. The court will determine maintenance amounts and duration based upon a number of factors, all of which will be carefully evaluated in order to determine a just maintenance amount. Your attorney will need to assert your rights and position in all of these factors in order to help prove that you should receive maintenance or that your spouse should not receive maintenance.
Some factors considered in regards to maintenance in Long Island, New York may include: the duration of the marriage, the age and health of both parties, the earning capacity of both parties, children, the ability of the dependent spouse to become self-supporting, the standard of living that was established during marriage, income and property of both parties, and more. Specific determinations regarding maintenance will vary from court to court and jurisdiction to jurisdiction.